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1:1 Coaching

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For ambitious Coaches, Creatives + Service Providers to nail their offers, master their messaging and convert with ease using personalised strategy and psychology. 

That's me


Imagine having your offer out in the world, being fully behind it. Selling it like you are serving and bringing in cash on repeat for your fam. 

Knowing exactly how to spend your pockets of time to move your business forward >>> No more wasted hours! 

Receiving DMs from your Dream-Fit clients saying they connected instantly with your message when they found you on socials. 

Feeling fulfilled, lit up and excited at this new iteration of you and your skillset. 

lead your business with authenticity + authority to bring in dream-fit clients on repeat without the overwhelm + uncertainty

Deep down you know you have an extraordinary skillset but the whole entrepreneurship thing feels a lot harder than Instagram makes it out to be.

Navigating how to get in front of the right people and package up your gifts in a way that sells fells all too overwhelming right now.

The more you consume online, the bigger the self doubt and confusion gets. you so badly want to move forward but feel a bit paralysed right now in knowing the next step.

Should you add another offer? try a different social media channel? increase your content? 

it all feels hella overwhelming!

You’re sitting on



I get it......

When I started my coaching business I set out on a self-led PHD into online biz.

I devoured all the free workbooks, masterclasses and programs in the hope I’d find THE answer to building my business.

It left me more confused than ever.

Fast forward a few years and I now know the key to building a successful online business is in weaving human behaviour and psychological principles into business strategy - something that every business owner can be empowered with.

These skills are timeless and they form the foundation of your content, messaging and sales.

When you know this, everything becomes clear.

Four weeks together to get you

 crystal clear on your offers,

messaging and sales.



For ambitious Online Business Owners;

The Coach, Creative or Service Provider needing a laser focused experience to move them forward into making CONSISTENT money in their business.

It’s to lay the essential foundations every business needs for a steady stream of leads and repeat sales. 

Weekly live group coaching calls 

I'm in


Modules {yours to keep} 

Potent weeks together

Attract your dream match clients

we will map out all the tools you need to: 


Business of You
module to help you get clear on your point
of difference, optimise your performance
and embody your strengths within your business.

 Create compelling content that grows your audience 

design + refine your in-demand offer

Design a
you-shaped sales process that feels authentic to you

I’m In, Let’s Do This

Attract your
dream match clients

Get therapist deep in the heads of your soul clients. Map their values, beliefs, desires, fears and more. You'll have the ultimate foundation to build out a sustainable offer suite and aligned content that converts on demand.  

ok, Give me the details Lady!


master your messaging

Master the art of magnetic messaging and client attraction to get you fully booked with your dream clients. Learn my psychology infused process for speaking directly to their deepest desires and cutting through the noise amidst market changes. 


design + refine your in demand offer

I'll guide you through creating an offer that is so irresistible your dream match clients are beating down your door to work with you. 



Authentic Sales

Map out your you-shaped sales process that feels easeful and fun. One that you can get behind daily with authority and conviction. 






I know what it’s like to be so lit up by the actual work you are delivering; your mission and movement in the world but confused by the noise of what exactly is the right strategy to reach more people and have the bigger impact you crave.

I can still remember feeling so overwhelmed trying to figure out exactly how to launch my first course or program in the online space. It felt noisy and I had no idea who to trust. Ongoing coaching felt like an out of reach investment but I knew I could do with some personalised support to walk me through getting these foundations right. I created ESTABLISHED to fill that void. It's the place for early stage coaches, creatives and consultants to get personalised coaching and support alongside the hand holding you need to build out your offers, messaging, content and sales. 

A laser focused 4 weeks to launch your offer into the hands of your dream clients. 

Hi I’m Monique, Strengths-Driven Business Coach

Obsessed with helping you reach the goals that are so big you don’t speak them out loud.




When are the live calls?

The calls will kick off on Tuesday May 28th at 10am AEST for four weeks.

Will they be recorded?

Yes all calls will be recorded.

What is the structure of the calls?

The calls will be workshop style, each focussed on a different focus area for you to build the foundations to start to bring in cash in your business. Each will be accompanied by a process that we will work through to personalise ti to your own business. Live coaching will be available on each call to make sure you are integrating all of the information.

I'm a {fill in the blank} - is this for me?

Whether you are a coach of any kind (business, life, health, relationship etc), a service provider (copywriter, virtual assistant, marketing provider, graphic designer etc), a practitioner (naturopath, counsellor, kinesiologist, etc) or a consultant of any type that is looking to build out an online offering and get super dialled in on your messaging so you can attract more dream fit clients. ESTABLISHED is for you.